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W przypadku taska na piratów Boss wybierany jest losowo 1 z czterech:

Nazwa exp hp loot
Brutus Bloodbeard 795 1200 0-79 gp, Dagger, Pirate Backpack, Knight Armor, Plate Armor, Small Diamond, Skull, Brutus Bloodbeard's Hat
Deadeye Devious 500 1450 0-? gp, 0-2 Skull, Meat, Great Health Potion, Knight Armor, Plate Armor, Pirate Backpack, Deadeye Devious' Eye Patch
Lethal Lissy 500 1450 0-100 gp, Skull, Knight Armor, Plate Armor, Protection Amulet, Small Diamond, Double Axe, Lethal Lissy's Shirt
Ron the Ripper 500 1500 0-50 gp, 0-2 Skull, Plate Armor, Knight Armor, Dagger, Double Axe, Ron the Ripper's Sabre


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